
"Betting On More White Voters, Republicans Shun Immigration Bill"

By Peter Brimelow


Betting on more white voters, Republicans shun immigration bill is the stark headline on a Los Angeles Times blog this morning (by David Horsey, July 3). It’s the latest sign that the arithmetical reality that the white vote is nearly ten times the Hispanic vote is finally sneaking into conventional political discouse — thirteen years after VDARE.com posted Steve Sailer’s GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote, and after dozens of subsequent posings on what we call the "Sailer Strategy."

After all this time, we're kind of surprised, frankly.

Horsey writes (emphases and links added):

After Obama won reelection with the support of more than 70% of Latino voters, conservative gurus such as Sean Hannity and Karl Rove said the Republican Party faced demographic doom if it failed to grow beyond its current base …

However, Ann Coulter and a few others on the right made the counter argument that legalization was the political equivalent of suicide for the GOP. Republicans might gain a measure of goodwill by backing an immigration plan, but it would not be nearly enough to pull in more than a scattering of Latino voters. Instead, all those millions of new citizens would simply provide additional votes for Democrats.

That analysis seems to be winning the day in Republican circles. House opponents of immigration reform will say their concern is border security, but, though the amended version of the Senate bill essentially militarizes the border (and provides a windfall for defense contractors), it has not changed many minds among House Republicans. They may be more worried about all those potential Democratic voters already inside the border than the imagined fearful horde still in Mexico.

The Republicans’ new political strategy is to double down on their old strategy: get more white votes. The plutocrat Mitt Romney turned off many white, working-class voters who then failed to go to the polls in 2012. Republican strategists now are thinking victory is in reach if they can get those folks to turn out next time around.

MSM mentions of the importance of white vote are invariably incredulous, and Horsey is no exception:

They may be right, but it is an admission that the Republican Party is, more than ever, a white people’s party that can thrive in an increasingly diverse America only by suppressing the non-white vote and by blocking all attempts to bring millions of immigrants out of the shadows and into the national family.

That’s ILLEGAL immigrants, Horsey!

And until the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act, those "white people" were simply called "Americans."

But hey, this is progress. At this rate, the MSM will be discussing the idea of an immigration moratorium in, oh, a decade or so.

Sailer Strategy

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