
Biden Amnesties Bringing Back Leprosy, And The Indian CEO Virus (Medical) Connection

By Federale


It is highly likely that the Biden amnesties have fostered a rise in leprosy, though the Center For Disease Control (CDC) is denying that immigrants, read illegal aliens, have anything to do with the shocking arrival of new strains of horror of the ancient world in the United States, especially in the Southwest.

However, given the documented lies by CDC and various other agencies and departments concerning the China-Flu, with the CDC lying about masking effectiveness, disease vectors, the shutdown, and the origins of COVID at the Wuhan lab, one should not believe the claim that there is no correlation or causation regarding the rise of leprosy and immigration.

The efforts by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security to quash public discussion of the China Virus suggests that the causation of the increase in leprosy is directly related to increased immigration and even the Biden Amnesties. (H/T Author WR Flynn)

What is undisputed is that leprosy is making a comeback in the United States.

Leprosy, or Hansen disease, is a chronic infectious disease caused by the acid-fast rod Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy primarily affects the skin and peripheral nervous system, and disease course is largely dependent on individual susceptibility to M. leprae. Leprosy has been historically uncommon in the United States; incidence peaked around 1983, and a drastic reduction in the annual number of documented cases occurred from the 1980s through 2000. However, since then, reports demonstrate a gradual increase in the incidence of leprosy in the United States. The number of reported cases has more than doubled in the southeastern states over the last decade. According to the National Hansen’s Disease Program, 159 new cases were reported in the United States in 2020; Florida was among the top reporting states.

[Case Report of Leprosy in Central Florida, USA, 2022, by Aashni Bhukhan, Charles Dunn, and Rajiv Nathoo, CDC, August 2023]

Two of the authors appear to be Indian immigrants or anchor babies, with Bhukhan being an Indian and notorious anti-White activist with only a Bachelor of Sciences degree of some sort.

The first problem is that the rise of leprosy correlates with the mass increase in immigration that followed the 1986 amnesty, which resulted in follow-on immigration rates escalating since the 1990s. In fact, the correlation is as complete as it can be, matching the rising levels of immigration, legal and illegal, with the rising number of leprosy cases.

But instead of dealing with the clear correlation, the authors go to great lengths to deny any connection with immigration.

He denied any domestic or foreign travel, exposure to armadillos, prolonged contact with immigrants from leprosy-endemic countries, or connections with someone known to have leprosy. He has resided in central Florida his entire life, works in landscaping, and spends long periods of time outdoors.

We don’t get the race or ethnicity of the above victim, but he works in landscaping, which in all areas of Florida is dominated by legal and illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America, likely many of whom are recent beneficiaries of the Biden Amnesties. It is just not credible to claim that someone in a work environment dominated by Hispanic legal and illegal aliens and possibly Hispanic himself has no connection to anyone who is from or has traveled to a leprosy source nation.

The authors even claim that leprosy is declining in immigrants, but simultaneously increasing in the native population, and in Central Florida in particular, even though Florida is a primary destination of both legal and illegal immigrants.

The number of international migrants in North America increased from 27.6 million persons in 1990 to 58.7 million in 2020 (8), so a link to migration may account for the increase in incidence of leprosy in historically nonendemic areas. Further, reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that, although the incidence of leprosy has been increasing, the rates of new diagnoses in persons born outside of the United States has been declining since 2002 (Appendix Figure) (9).

Generally, one should be able to trust statistics from the government, but we know the CDC lies. Remember when masks were one day ineffective, then the next highly effective in preventing COVID? That was a lie and we know that it isn’t beyond activist “scientists” to lie; they have before and will do so again. Then we have Indians involved in this “study,” and we know how problematic Indians are: They have no connection with American principles. The curse of Leftist Indian immigrants and anchor babies shows that we should not trust them on anything. Especially since other diseases like mumps, measles, and tuberculosis are being brought to the United States by aliens benefiting from the Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty.

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