
Biden Border Deception Failing — Illegals Are Being Released, And It’s Being Reported

By Federale


After the chaos at the border of the first two years of the Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty, the Biden Regime decided to use an illegal parole amnesty to end the optics problem at the border.

The plan was to end the mass invasion visible to the American people from drone footage from Bill Melugin of Fox News and activists and replace it with secretly and invisibly paroling in those millions of illegal aliens who would otherwise just walk over the border.

BREAKING: A huge migrant caravan of over 1,000 people crossed illegally into El Paso, TX last night, making it the largest single group we have ever seen. The city of El Paso reports Border Patrol now has over 5,000 in custody & has released hundreds to city streets. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/ewUQX757Lt

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 12, 2022

Open Borders Bad Optics

NEW: Our Fox drone over another enormous group of migrants who crossed illegally into Brownsville yesterday evening. As of yesterday, CBP sources tell us Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector was already running at 140% capacity in its facilities, and T42 hasn’t dropped yet. pic.twitter.com/GME9W5dEbV

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) May 10, 2023

Open Borders A Few Months Ago

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), told illegal aliens that if they did not use the illegal CBP One app to obtain parole they would be deported using Expedited Removal (ER). The illegal aliens quickly learned that if they were arrested, they would be released into the United States instead of being deported. Mayorkas lied.

Arrest and release became the preferred option for them compared to waiting in Northern Mexico for an appointment to get parole. Mayorkas and DHS continue the Big Lie, that illegals are being deported. Instead arrest for invading is the path to release and employment authorization.

Under U.S. immigration laws, most noncitizens coming to our border are not eligible to remain in the United States. Asylum laws do not provide for relief solely for economic reasons or for general violence.

Learn ➡️ https://t.co/YwgPcKPlSE pic.twitter.com/dfPXxXkNlZ

— CBP (@CBP) August 15, 2023

@CBP Is Lying, Illegals Are NOT Being Deported

The truth is that deportations are at record lows and the border is wide open.

TRAC Annual Deportation Statistics

Here’s what DHS Secretary Mayorkas said at a WH press conference on May 11th, the day before T42 ended.

“I want to be very clear: our borders are not open. People who cross our border unlawfully and without a legal basis to remain will be promptly processed and removed.”

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) August 15, 2023

All These Illegal Aliens Crossed Illegally And Are Being Released

Only a tiny number of invaders are being deported.

CBP sources tell us while there are some removals/deportations taking place, that they are a drop in the bucket when compared to the sheer numbers of people coming across the border. ICE just posted this video in an effort to show some of the deportations. https://t.co/392G1Gj461

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) August 15, 2023

The Unlucky Few

We encountered this large group of several hundred migrants that crossed illegally near Fronton, TX this morning around 3am. Mostly family units, kids & infants, as well as unaccompanied minors. CBP source tells me large majority of families in RGV are released w/ a court date. pic.twitter.com/zktw8r4F82

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) August 10, 2023

Open Borders Today

After one month of decreased arrests at the border, the illegal aliens have returned to illegally crossing the border, with numbers approaching the worst days of April and May 2023.

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 40,000 migrants along the southwest border during the first ten days of August. The Tucson and Rio Grande Valley Sectors reported more than 10,000 each…

Unofficial reports obtained from law enforcement by Breitbart Texas reveal that during the first ten days of August, Border Patrol agents apprehended 39,324 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. This is an average of 5,708 [sic] apprehensions per day.

[EXCLUSIVE: 40K Migrants Apprehended Along Southwest Border in First 10 Days of August, by Bob Price, Breitbart, August 13, 2023]

Partially this is the responsibility of the Biden Regime, as they continued to release those arrested for Entry Without Inspection (EWI) instead of immediately deporting them. Of course, with the exit of Susan Rice, who appeared to be the only rational person in the Biden Regime, the result was foretold, open borders for all. And that was the plan, it is just that they hoped to hide open borders with the parole amnesty, which given the low time–preference of Third World invaders, CBP One could not succeed.

The only question is: What will Kevin McCarthy do about the invasion?

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