By Former Agent
Recently, headlines have been screaming lines like this one, “Judge punches hole in border policy by blocking new asylum limits” from the Washington Times.
If you were a Democrat or gullible American (but I repeat myself), you might walk away from reading the article thinking that the Biden Administration is taking steps to limit asylum claims. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Much like Hunter Biden just tried (and appears to have failed for the moment) to work with the prosecutors who were going after him to make a sweetheart deal that would not only give him a slap on the wrist, but would have also given him double jeopardy protection against future crimes for tax evasion and the unlawful possession of a handgun, so too are the AUSAs and the liberal judge doing the same with asylum.
As Washington Watcher II pointed out in MSM Hails Biden For Stemming Illegal Immigration. Reality: He’s Making It “Legal” — To Swamp The Historic American Nation, the Biden administration’s attempts to secure the border are all merely for show. They reduced illegal border crossings by paroling illegal aliens in, thus making their border crossings technically legal. Never mind that at least one judge has ruled the policy to be illegal; the Biden Administration just keeps doing it anyway [ Federal judge rules Biden’s border parole policy illegal, by Zach Schonfeld, The Hill, March 9, 2023]. That alone should merit impeachment.
The new policy that the Biden administration was advancing (nudge-nudge, wink-wink) would have required asylum seekers to apply for asylum from their home countries, or, from the first “safe” country they pass through. The asylum laws were made in the wake of World War II with the Holocaust in mind. The idea was that if you had to flee for your life, you would be happy with the first country that wasn’t trying to murder you. Everyone has been ignoring that first safe country clause. As for applying from the home country, we used to have a process for that. It was called applying for refugee status from an American embassy in your hellhole of a home country.
The Open Borders lobby made sure to take this case in front of a Left-leaning judge, Jon Tigar, in wacky far Left San Francisco. The Biden administration has appealed it, but that’s likely just for show. They want to lose. That way, not only will asylum fraudsters continue to pour across the border, but if a Republican president is elected, there will be precedent to prevent him from implementing the Safe Third Country rule.
In the meantime, the Biden Administration is getting some positive press because it looks like they are actually trying to do something about the border without actually doing anything about the border.
When government lawyers work in cahoots with liberal groups to intentionally throw a case so that they both get a Left-leaning policy, it’s referred to as the “Sue-and-Settle Phenomenon,” or to put it another way, a “collusive sweetheart agreement.” It’s frequently used in the kind of anti-police “consent decree” that Jeff Session tried to put a stop to when he was Attorney General, but it applies here too.