Bilbray: Rewarding Lawbreaking Sends the Wrong Message

By Brenda Walker


Rep. Brian Bilbray, the Chair of the House Immigration Caucus, is one of the best spokesmen for the cause of immigration sanity because he can explain the psychology of the issue to wannabes.

Bilbray understands that as long as Washington rewards the behavior of illegal immigration, the foreigners will continue to come any way they can. Whenever news arrives in rural Mexican villages that another amnesty is proposed, hope is further renewed that America is still not serious about border and workplace enforcement, even during the worst jobs depression since the 1930s.

(One example of American despair over joblessness was recently reported by The New York Times: For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again.)

So the job thieves keep coming.

Why shouldn’t they? They are rarely punished and routinely rewarded with employment and free-to-them social services. In addition, the Raza tribe and others have a gaggle of well funded advocates, from lawyers to professional loudmouths the liberal media love to quote.

The principle of behavior modification through feedback is not rocket science, and is well known to effective parents and teachers. As Sen. Chuck Grassley succinctly remarked about an earlier illegal alien amnesty, ”If you reward illegality, you get more of it.”

Rep. Bilbray appears frequently on local media in his district. In the video below he is heard starting at 1:45 in, making the point about the DREAM Act that illegal alien amnesty is not the message Washington should be sending to the world.

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