Bill De Blasio Says Drunk Driving Is Not a Serious (aka Deportable) Offense
It is unconscionable for New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio to be so dangerously ignorant about drunk driving. During a discussion with CNN’s Jake Tapper about the city’s sanctuary status, the mayor asserted that drunk-driving illegal aliens are not a danger to citizens.
DE BLASIO: So, we differentiate. Anyone who is violent, anyone who is a serious threat to society, we agree we will work with the federal partners and they get deported. But we are not going to see, with a half-a-million undocumented people here — this would be true for 11 to 12 million undocumented folks in this country, the vast majority of whom are law- abiding — we are not going to see families torn apart over a very minor offense.TAPPER: But is grand larceny or drunk driving a very minor offense?
DE BLASIO: Drunk driving that does not lead to any other negative outcome, I could define as that.
The CNN show transcript is here.
The problem is that habitual drunk drivers don’t kill anyone — until they do. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) reports that the average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before the first arrest. In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes, up by nearly 300 from the year before.
Of the Americans killed by illegal aliens, probably the largest group is the category of citizens killed by drunk-driving illegal aliens. Here are just a handful:
Below, 21-year-old Sarah Root was killed in Omaha just a day after her college graduation by one of Obama’s protected DREAMers, reported here: ”Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Woman, Is Bailed Out and Disappears.”
Mesa, Arizona, Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza was killed by a head-on collision with a previously arrested but not deported drunk-driving illegal alien with a blood alcohol level of .24 percent.
Young Alabama couple Tad Mattle and Leigh Anna Jimmerso were killed by a drunk-driving illegal alien with a blood-alcohol content more than three times the legal limit and who had at least four previous DUIs.
Houston Officer Kevin Will died when a drunk Mexican crashed through a police barrier at 90 mph and hit Will as he was standing on the roadside investigating an accident.
Three-year-old Marten Kudlis was run down in a Colorado ice cream shop by a 16-times-arrested drunk-driving illegal alien. Two adult women were also killed when the truck smashed into the building.
Best friends Tessa Tranchant, 16, left, and Allison Kunhardt, 17, died when their car, stopped at a light, was hit by a blotto-drunk illegal alien, who had three previous alcohol-related convictions but was not deported.
There are many more stories of preventable drunk-driving deaths caused by illegal aliens, but I’ll stop.