
Bipartisan, Meaning "Stupid AND Evil," Puerto Rico Statehood Bill Introduced In Congress

By James Kirkpatrick


Sam Francis famously said America has a Stupid Party (Republicans) and an Evil Party (Democrats), and when they do something both stupid and evil, that is bipartisanship. A mouthpiece of the Stupid Party, National Review, just published an especially boneheaded take on why conservatives should support Puerto Rican citizenship. Now, both Republicans and Democrats are joining forces to push this destructive idea.

Rep. Darren Soto, D-Fla., who represents a sizable Puerto Rican constituency in his south Orlando district, unveiled the bill dubbed "The Puerto Rico Admission Act of 2019," which sets the terms for Puerto Rico’s statehood. Under the bill, Puerto Rico’s statehood would be granted within 90 days of getting President Trump’s signature …

The bill is co-sponsored by Jenniffer Gonzalez, a Republican in office representing Puerto Rico since 2017. As a nonvoting member, Gonzalez is not allowed to vote on final legislative measures on the floor, but she is allowed to vote in committees, introduce legislation, and co-sponsor proposals.

In 2017, the Puerto Rican government held a public referendum to guide the official position of the island. Over 97 percent of Puerto Ricans supported statehood.

Florida’s Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, both Republicans, have publicly supported for Puerto Rico statehood.

Since 2012, the Republican Party has included Puerto Rican statehood as an official party position in their platform.

[Bipartisan group introduced Puerto Rico statehood bill in Congress, by Daniel Jativa, Reuters, March 28, 2019]

In unrelated news, the Governor of the Third World island just threatened to punch President Trump for not giving him enough handouts.

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo RossellĂł said he would not sit back and allow his officials to be bullied by the White House.

"If the bully gets close, I'll punch the bully in the mouth," RossellĂł said. "It would be a mistake to confuse courtesy with courage."

[Exclusive: Puerto Rico governor warns White House: 'If the bully gets close, I'll punch the bully in the mouth,' by Jim Acosta and Kevin Liptak, CNN, March 28, 2019]

Can we please just pay these people to leave us alone? Or give it to China or something?

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