Black And Non-Black Crime Rates: How Non-Black Are Hispanics?

By Simon Krejsa


John Derbyshire writes:

Try asking some white acquaintance how much more likely a random black American is to commit homicide, than a random white person. “Heck, I don’t know,” he’ll say, displaying considerable embarrassment at having been forced to think about the matter. “Is there really a difference? What is it, twice as likely?” The actual answer: six times as likely.

However, reading the passage he linked to more closely, it says "In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder." Six times more likely than a non-black, not a white.

And "non-blacks includes "Hispanics," those of any race with a Spanish surname (or, for women married to non-Hispanic men, a Spanish maiden name), citizens and aliens, legal and illegal, well over 90% of whom are nonwhite. The overwhelming majority of "Latinos" and "Hispanics" and nearly all illegal aliens are Mestizos — part Spanish, part Amerindian.

And a minority (who knows how large a minority?) are black, including mulattos and “zambos,” a mixture of African and Amerindian. See my 2011 article Hispanic Sex Offenders Listed As White In Wisconsin. Why? — the source of the pictures above.

Nonwhite "Hispanics," including blacks ironically, now far outnumber native-born "African-Americans."

Nonwhite "Hispanics," (including who knows how many blacks?) are not as violent and criminal as "African-Americans" but are far more violent and criminal than European-Americans. If one excludes nonwhite "Hispanics," and defines black "Hispanics" as black, then blacks are roughly 10 times more likely to commit murder than European-Americans. And they'd probably be 15 or even 20 times more likely than whites to commit murder if they were far better marksmen, as James Fulford has noted in a recent article and a few blog-posts. Racially, the category "Hispanic" causes nothing but confusion and ignorance and should be abolished, especially in respect to crime statistics.

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