Black Girl Magic: Two Teen Girls Smash Carjacking’s Glass Ceiling By Murdering A Driver
By Steve Sailer
It’s time to trash the trope that adolescent girls can’t compete in the big leagues of carjacking mayhem.
Just one year ago, carjacking seemed like Nineties nostalgia, but a combination of society telling everybody to wear face masks and the Racial Reckoning has brought carjacking back with a bang. And these Washington DC 13- and 15-year-olds show gender is no barrier to carjack carnage.
Seriously, while I feel really bad for the elderly Pakistani gentleman who immigrated here in 2014 at around age 59 and gets a really bad job and then is murdered during the Racial Reckoning by teenyboppers … but why do we let unskilled 59-year-olds immigrate anyway? How much are they going to pay in taxes before going on Medicare (assuming they don’t go on Medicaid immediately). Has anybody done a cost-benefit analysis of this?