
Black Immigrant-Stock Commissar/Judge Abena Darkeh Declares 2nd Amendment Repealed

By Patrick Cleburne


Over at RedState, columnist Jeff Charles has come with a new example of the bizarre specimens to be found in the New York Judiciary.

His post NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment 'Doesn’t Exist in This Courtroom' [April 22, 2024] deals with an apparently very talented black man, Dexter Taylor, a software engineer who took up gunsmithing as a hobby.

NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment ’Doesn’t Exist in This Courtroom’https://t.co/XQ9tPWdWRS

— RedState (@RedState) April 22, 2024

An earlier Jeff Charles report on this case says:

Taylor was not suspected or charged with any violent offenses and has a clean criminal record. Nevertheless, he is facing 18 years in prison.

His reward for his clean record was to have a SWAT team break down his door in the night.

New York is trying to evade the Second Amendment and the Bruen decision by tightening regulations on gun possession. As matters currently stand, this is probably unconstitutional.

But what makes this case remarkable is the thug-like behavior of the Judge, one Abena Darkeh.

Charles reports:

The judge disrupted Varghese’s opening statement multiple times as he tried to set the stage for Taylor’s defense.

While the prosecution was allowed to depict Taylor as a dangerous individual, Judge Darkeh blocked his lawyer producing character witnesses. Further:

Judge Darkeh…led the jury to believe they would face consequences if they did not vote to convict Taylor.

He depicts

… Judge Darkeh as “the most aggressive prosecutor in the room.”

Crowning all this:

She told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.'… and she went out of her way to limit me.”

So who Abena Darkeh, who clearly sees her role as being not Judge but Commissar?

According to her arrogant January 19, 2022 Hofstra University Law News posting Hon. Abena Darkeh ’93 Reflects on How Rich Cultural Experiences and Stimulating Work Contribute to a Life Well Lived:

Judge Darkeh is a child of an immigrant father and a first-generation American mother. Her father … was born and raised in Ghana, West Africa… Her mother was born in Brooklyn after her family immigrated from St. Vincent and Barbados.

“I have always understood that America is a rich and vibrant place because of all of the people, from different places, who settled here and who expressed who they are “

What Founding Fathers?

James Kirkpatrick is right:

I mean, seriously though, what does this person have to do with the Constitution, or Anglo-Saxon common law, or America? What meaningful national identity can you share with whatever this is supposed to be? https://t.co/wNHQ71ivcl

— James Kirkpatrick (@VDAREJamesK) April 23, 2024

I am right too, in the first post in which we introduced the Tag Black Women Abusing Power:

in the current state of the U.S, political and intellectual climate, black women cannot be trusted with power at all.

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