American taxpayers delighting yesterday in the news conveyed in Steve Sailer’s San Francisco: Reparations to Last 250 Years
…the all-black reparations panel in San Francisco (Biden 85 percent) has posted a 59-page draft plan with 114 enumerated action items, the first being to gift each member of the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee, along with practically every other black in San Francisco and many elsewhere, 5 million bucks.
1.2 Supplement African-American income of lower income households to reflect the Area Median Income (AMI) annually for at least 250 years ($97,000 in 2022).
would do well to read the late, great J.P. Rushton’s definitive 2004 discussion of the real reason an economic disparity between blacks and other races has persisted historically and all over the world: I.Q.: Why Africa is Africa–and Haiti Haiti:
Early in 2002 I published a VDARE.com review on Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen’s book IQ and the Wealth of Nations. It was powerfully seconded a few weeks later by Steve Sailer.
The book’s thesis — that a country’s prosperity is closely related to the average I.Q. of its population… was ignored by the mainstream media.
The bottom line: well over half (about 58 per cent) of the differences in national wealth can be explained in terms of national differences in average intelligence.
This map of national I.Q. versus national income (in 2002 pounds) was actually published in the London Times in 2003.
[The wealth of nations is mapped by their IQ, by Glen Owen, November 10, 2003]
Rushton then explained in detail why he accepted the appalling fact that:
… sub-Saharan Africans have an average IQ of 70. This is, indeed, extremely low. In North America, an IQ of 70 suggests borderline mental retardation.
and concluded:
This is an astonishing fact, with sweeping implications for both domestic and foreign policy.
American blacks are somewhat better off with an average I.Q. of 85 — still one standard deviation below the white average of 100.
John Derbyshire looked at Haiti (the only black-ruled country in the Americas and far and away the worst basket case) 18 years after the Rushton article — and shuddered: Haiti’s Story Is Appalling And Depressing — And There Are People Who Blame This On Whites.
Not so long ago, Reparations proposals would have been laughed at. But after the explosion of pandering triggered by the BLM fraud, who can confidently deny the possibility?
The I.Q. facts mean wealth transfers to the black community are going into a bucket with no bottom.
Until this comprehension is reestablished in the Public Mind these shakedowns will continue.
And get worse.