Black South African CalPERS CFO Dumped for Being Dodgy
By Steve Sailer
From the Los Angeles Times:
MAY 21, 2018 | 2:50 PMCharles Asubonten, whose background and experience came into question months after he was hired as the chief financial officer of CalPERS, is no longer with the giant pension fund, the organization acknowledged Monday.
CalPERS manages California’s state pension funds. It has over a quarter of a trillion dollars in assets.
Why was he hired in the first place? And what kind of name is Asubonten?
… Prior to that, Asubonten served as CFO of a small South African copper-mining subsidiary of Rio Tinto, a London-based mining conglomerate.
What could be more legit than having been a South African mining executive? Rio Tinto has never been known to, say, hire useless locals related to the Big Man just to get permission to mine. Right?
No pictures of the guy in the LA Times, but I found one on Linked In:
Anyway, the point is that we have to give people like Mr. Asubonten, whoever he might be, really nice affirmative action jobs like CFO of CalPERS to make up for all the oppression his ancestors suffered when the slaves they were selling to the Dutch, Portuguese, and Arabs wouldn’t get on the slave ships without having to be prodded, which was tiresome for Mr. Asubonten’s slavedealer ancestors.
Or something.