Black Voting Rights Bureacrat Uses Government Funds To "Facilitate A Physical Relationship" — "They Didn’t Even Take Away His Government Credit Card"

By James Fulford


Via Pajamas Media, which had a bad link to the original story, I see a story about a Justice Department employee, Voting Rights Division, who

"used taxpayer travel funds to finance his romance with a woman who is the president of an unidentified organization. His punishment? A 7-day suspension! They didn’t even take away his government credit card."

That’s the PJ Tatler version, the original story is Taxpayers financed Justice official’s romantic travel, By Chuck Neubauer The Washington Times, October 6, 2011.Of course, what I always want to know in cases like this is whether the perpetrator is a member of a minority group, because the newspapers have a deliberate policy of not telling you.

The story names Darryl Foster as the man who really shouldn’t have a government credit card, and his LinkedIn profile says that he’s a member of "Blacks in Government" and is a Prince Hall Mason, so that answers that question. He’s black.

Of course, in the Voting Rights section of the Justice Department, he’s probably not a minority. Black are massively overrepresented in the federal civil service.

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