Blacks And Self-Defense Laws
Eric Holder is attacking "Stand Your Ground" laws (not a factor in the Zimmerman case, as Michelle Malkin points out) because he thinks the "victims" of self-defense (failed carjackers, etc.) are disproportionately black.
Mark Levin tweets
Hey Holder, NAACP, lib media: Blacks disproportionately benefit from stand your ground law …
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 17, 2013
This is true. In his 1993 review of Jared Taylor’s Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America,
Peter Brimelow wrote this about disparate crime rates:
Nor is the disparity caused by middle-class law enforcers over-concentrating on street crime. In 1990, blacks were nearly three times as likely as whites to be arrested for white-collar crimes such as forgery, counterfeiting, and embezzlement. And, finally and conclusively, blacks themselves are responsible for 73 per cent of all justified, self-defense killings. The vast majority of the people they kill are other blacks.[Invisible Men, National Review, January 18, 1993]
Yes, George Zimmerman lived near a black neighborhood. Blacks live in black neighborhoods. See this Karen de Coster story for an example of what that’s like.
Barbara Holland is a black woman living in Detroit. Clabe Hunt was a black man. Clabe entered her small, used car dealership one day, asking all sorts of strange questions, and then left. Barbara is a woman with a concealed weapons permit …
Barbara is alive, and Clabe is dead, and quite right, too.