Bleg: Who Has Linked To TODAY’S LETTER On Justin Trudeau And Syrian "Refugees"?
This is a bleg: for more than 24 hours, we've seen extraordinary traffic on A Reader Reports That Canada’s New Young PM Is Dumb Enough To Believe Syrians Will Be An Asset To Canada, a Today’s Letter in response to Kevin Grace’s Paul Ryan Presaged: Canada’s Conservative Party Elects a New People — Which In Turn Elects Liberal Party. Duh!
It appears to be coming through Facebook, itself unusual since the appalling Zuckerberg reworked the FB algorithm in an effort to exort advertising rents, and from Canada, which delights me because of my deep and continuing affection for and interest in the country of my young manhood.
It looks like there’s a powerful Canadian immigration patriot site out there. Does any reader know who?