
BLM in Trouble with BBC Over Anti-Israel Stance

By Steve Sailer


From The Telegraph:

Exclusive: BBC tells staff not to wear Black Lives Matter badges on air

Number of high-profile organisations are forced to distance themselves from Black Lives Matter as they say organisation has been “hijacked”

By Bill Gardner, Ben Rumsby and Izzy Lyons
1 July 2020 • 9:30pm

The BBC has told its presenters and guests not to wear Black Lives Matter badges as the campaign was accused of “hijacking” George Floyd’s death for political reasons.

Bosses at the corporation have decided not to allow “visual symbols of support” for Black Lives Matter to be worn on screen, senior sources told The Telegraph.

It comes as a number of high-profile organisations were forced to backtrack on their support for the Black Lives Matter movement as its UK arm publicly criticised Israel and called on the British government to “defund the police”.

Two previous eras of black supremacist ideology — the late 1960s and the early 1990s — both came a-cropper when they got too many Jews peeved at black anti-Semitism. For example, Spike Lee’s soaring movie career got shot down when he satirized Jewish music industry businessmen exploiting black musicians in his 1990 movie Mo’ Better Blues. Spike never got an Oscar until his lame BlacKkKlansman in 2018 added a made-up Jewish hero.

We’ll see whether the pattern repeats a third time.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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