Blue States See Red On Illegal Immigration
The Christian Science Monitor is reporting recent local action on the immigration front:
"In Danbury, Conn., the mayor has called for state police to be deputized as immigration officials to cope with the thousands of undocumented workers in this leafy suburb. In New Ipswich, N.H., the police chief has begun charging illegal immigrants with criminal trespass after federal officials released others he'd arrested. And in Elsmere, Del., the town council is considering an ordinance that would fine undocumented workers $100. The landlords who rent to them and the employers who hire them would face $1,000 fines for each offense." [Far from border, a migration flash point]
What may be important is that these moves are being taken in "Blue" states that all voted for Kerry in the last election. Perhaps some of the rank and file Democrats are starting to realize there is a fundamental contradiction between maintaining of the strong social services their platform advocates-and high levels of mass immigration under present economic conditions.