Blumenthal Misses The Mark — Tom Piatak Explains How Badly

By Tom Piatak


A sure indication that we are making progress in the War against Christmas is Max Blumenthal’s attack on’s role in first drawing attention to the issue. [See the slightly altered version at The Daily Beast, and the original, preserved and annotated, on ] Blumenthal even attacks me, claiming that “Brimelow’s writers [including me] dared to name the true anti-Christian Grinch: Jews.” Unfortunately for Blumenthal, his one small paragraph referring to me is filled with errors. The piece of mine he cites repeatedly refers to “multiculturalists,” not Jews, as waging War against Christmas. He claims I was “[t]he winner of Brimelow’s 2001 War on Christmas competition,” which was actually won by Fred Fries. Blumenthal states I termed Hanukkah a “faux-holiday,” while I actually wrote that “Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and all the rest are presented as faux-Christmases.” (Blumenthal has apparently now corrected this error, without ever acknowledging that he made it or that I referred to other holidays besides Hanukkah as "faux-Christmases").[ Note: Mr. Blumenthal still hasn’t corrected the two misspelled names, Ramesh Ponnuru’s and Burt Prelutsky’s, in spite of the fact that we helpfully pointed them out last night. Helpful hint to Mr. Blumenthal — if you're not a naturally good speller, do what columnists all over the country are doing with Governor Blagojevich’s name — use the copy and paste function.]

Blumenthal asserts that I called Hanukkah the “Jewish Kwanzaa,” neglecting to mention that I was quoting Frederic Schwarz, who described Hanukkah as the “Jewish Kwanzaa” in an article in the December 2000 issue of American Heritage magazine in which he also discussed Hanukkah’s theological insignificance and wrote that its current incarnation is “an invented cultural celebration.” Blumenthal claims that I “insisted that those behind the assault on Christmas ‘evidently prefer’ Hanukkah.” What I actually wrote was that “The malice of the multiculturalists is revealed in the way they present the alternative holidays they so evidently prefer,” with those “alternative holidays” being “Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and all the rest” of the holidays mentioned earlier in the article — “Bodhi Day, Diwali, Ramadan, the winter solstice.” So much for Blumenthal’s reading skills.

Blumenthal also ignores the fact that I have expressly written that those waging War against Christmas are composed of all faiths and of none. In the piece I wrote for the American Conservative during Christmas 2003, I wrote, "The transformation of Christmas to 'holiday' and the attendant impoverishment of our culture was brought about to accommodate not the small minority of Americans who do not celebrate Christmas but the far smaller minority — comprising those of all faiths and of none — who resent the overwhelming majority who do celebrate Christmas. In my experience, most non-Christians do not resent Christmas and generally enjoy some aspects of its celebration."

Despite Blumenthal’s feigned outrage, it is clear that the public elevation of holidays in temporal proximity to Christmas is intended to downgrade the celebration of Christmas. Indeed, the London Daily Mail reported on November 1, 2007 that a leading Labour think tank was advocating that Christmas be “downgraded” as part of an “urgent and upfront campaign” to promote a “multicultural understanding of Britishness.” [Christmas should be 'downgraded' to help race relations says Labour think tank, By James Chapman] The way this was to be accomplished was by promoting other holidays at the expense of Christmas, as I noted in my 2007 War against Christmas piece for

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