Boy Scouts Reach Out to Hispanics
The century-old American institution of Scouting is going down the diversity trail to perdition, including Spanish-language materials and a rejiggering of the basics to suit Mexicans and other Hispanics [Boy Scouts launch campaign to boost their Latino ranks and staff, LA Times, Jan 4, 2009].
Aiming to boost their sagging numbers, the Boy Scouts are launching a million-dollar campaign to draw more Latinos, a group that has long resisted Scouting’s appeal.But the Scouts' national officials acknowledge that it may be a tough sell. Only three of every 100 Scouts are Latino, and some immigrant families see such groups as an indulgence of the well-to-do in their home countries. Some also bristle at the uniforms.
"We go in in a uniform that looks like the Border Patrol," said Paul Moore, head of the Scouts' Los Angeles Area Council. "Then we ask [adult volunteers] to fill out complex applications that ask for their Social Security numbers. I think we've found some good ways in L.A. to deal with some of these things, but we have to do a better job of getting parents to see Scouting as something that aligns with their hopes and dreams for their kids."
One reason for getting Social Security numbers of adult leaders is to screen out perverts trolling for children. Will the Scouts accept useless Matricula cards for identification from Hispanics? It’s unclear from the article whether Hispanics will be held to lower standards, identity-wise.
Furthermore, what will happen to the Scouting tradition of teaching patriotism and loyalty to America with the new emphasis on globalist diversity? (Check out a selection of Norman Rockwell Scout paintings to refresh your memory about Scouting’s connection to patriotism.)
The Boy Scout Oath emphasizes duty to country — not a popular value among hispanic immigrants for the most part, unless the country is Mexico.
On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.In addition, the traditional uniform style ("that looks like the Border Patrol") has apparently been discarded in favor of yellow t-shirts and forest green jackets, judging by the photo in this AP article: Boy Scouts aim to recruit Latinos, which includes more details of "outreach":
[Rick] Cronk made Hispanic outreach a focus after he realized that just translating brochures into Spanish, or combining Cub Scouting with soccer, was not enough to meet the goal of doubling Hispanic membership by the group’s centennial in 2010.If Spanish and soccer aren’t big enough enticements, what’s left?
A better question might be: Why destroy an American institution for an ethnic group that has neither interest nor aptitude?