Brace Yourselves For Brokaw

By Patrick Cleburne


Apparently Tom Brokaw is investing his credit as a retired NBC talking head into promoting acceptance of illegal immigration.

What a disgusting waste.

In the Shadow of the American Dream airs tomorrow evening (Dec 26th). Even The New York Times says

this is at heart a pro-immigrant program; immigrants are depicted as hard workers, and there is no suggestion that some come to the United States specifically to commit crimes or rip off the system.

Boom in Rockies for Skiers, Developers and Immigrants By Neil Genzlinger December 26 2006

The centerpiece for the program is apparently a firm called Gould Construction of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The local newspaper says that

NBC producer Soraya Gage…focused on the Roaring Fork Valley because of a series on immigration, which ran in the Post Independent last year, that featured Gould.

Local contractor featured in Brokaw Report on NBC television Post Independent Donna Gray Glenwood Springs CO Colorado December 23 2006

The fact that a local construction firm — which probably as a practical matter could not stay competitive without using illegal labor — is willing to stand still for this attention tells all that needs to be said about this program. As the NY Times admits

Mr. Brokaw’s crew has no trouble not only pinpointing which of Mr. Gould’s workers are illegal but also finding the document-forger they use. But this is no exposé.( emphasis)

The facts are

The consequence of this weak immigration control has been that certain parties have benefited:

(If immigration had been properly controlled, the builders would probably been almost as profitable — demand was strong, and if no one was using illegals, no individual builders would have been disadvantaged.)

The losers are:

One looks for none of this to be recognized on the Brokaw show.

If had the resources, we would immediately refute the NBC show. Even without the resources, we would normally have been able to do something, since this is a matter the currently incapacitated Joe Guzzardi really cares about. (For the sake of his stomach, we are hoping he won’t watch.)

As it is, please send comments to

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