Breaking News! Pakistan not actually on our side
By Steve Sailer
Shocking revelations from the NYT: the government of Pakistan doesn’t like the United States of America.
Mullen Asserts Pakistani Role in Attack on U.S. Embassy
Pakistan’s intelligence agency aided insurgents who attacked the embassy in Kabul last week, said Adm. Mike Mullen, the departing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Who could have guessed from the way they played so fair with us in the little matter of their putting Osama bin Laden up right next to their military academy?
But the point is that we must continue to engage with Pakistan because they are the front door to the real prize: Afghanistan, with its strategically crucial resources of gravel, scree, unbridged torrents, furious holy men, gay warlords, and Pashtun proverbs, such as "When the floodwaters reach your chin, put your son beneath your feet."
Also, if we get bored with Afghanistan, just think of what that will do to the credibility of our attempts to maintain hegemony over Somalia and Yemen. And what about the fate of the Kerguelen Islands?
While you waste your time thinking about college football, there are men out there in the think tanks worrying for you about the real Great Game.