Potential Child Killer DREAM Act Will Be Back
The stealth amnesty known as the DREAM Act has been defeated for the time being, but its proponents are frustrated and angry after Obamas failure to deliver a sweeping illegal alien pardon as promised.
As we have observed, the energizer bunnies of immigration anarchy never sleep, and Senator Durbin has already announced his intention to reintroduce the bill in the near future. Furthermore, the lame-duck Democrat Congress may use its last gasp of power to jam through all the legislation that the voters really hate, like rewarding lawbreakers.
If DREAM Act hucksters have a shred of morality, they should consider the unintended consequences if their legislation were to pass: the message would spread throughout Mexico and beyond that children are the sure-fire tickets to amnesty, so Bring The Kids.
Illegals already drag their small children through the unforgiving desert, or send them across in the hands of coyotes, despite the extreme danger.
The border-crossing deaths for fiscal 2010 reached 232, a near-record which incidentally disproves Janet Napolitanos statement that the area is as secure as it has ever been.
One tragic, though not uncommon, story illustrates that children can be victims of unwise parents regarding the border:
Migrants experience deadly year crossing Arizona border, Arizona Republic, September 22, 2010
Fermina Lopez Cash refuses to believe that her son died in the desert after crossing the U.S. border near Sonoita more than two months ago.
Maybe he found his way to a ranch, she says.
Maybe he is being held by human smugglers.
But the Guatemalan woman, who lives in Phoenix, knows those scenarios make little sense. The 13-year-old boy, Nelson Omar Chilel Lopez, would have called if he made it to safety. The coyotes would have demanded ransom if they were holding him.
Lopez buries her face in her hands and weeps at the thought of a child she calls Omar becoming a statistic one of a nearly record 236 corpses recovered so far this fiscal year along the Arizona-Sonora border.
The truly humanitarian, life-saving policy would be to shut the southern border down tight and punish (not reward) illegal crossers, using tough enforcement programs like Operation Streamline. If foreigners knew their lawbreaking would not result in a better life than the one they have, then they would stay home rather than endanger their own and their childrens lives.
Below, we will likely see more parents bringing their children in their illegal crossing of the brutal southwestern desert if the DREAM Act passes.