Brimelow Forgot Two Themes In Trump Triumph — Help Us Develop More!

By Peter Brimelow


How much do themes figure in the Trump Triumph? Let me count the ways (now including these two that I forgot in my kick-off to’s Mission-Critical year-end fund-raising appeal). We were right. Apart from himself, the Trump campaign seems to have had no big donors, raising money in unprecedented amounts from small donors via the internet. (But in our own case, we wish we weren’t quite so right. It would nice to have large donations. Unfortunately, the big pools of non-Leftist money are cowards and getting worse. So we still depend on YOU). merryxmaspin

We were right. Exactly as we argued, the Khristmaskampf is obviously seen as a symbol and a symptom of Christophobia and hostility to the Historic American Nation.

Unlike any other GOP Presidential candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed to make saying “Merry Christmas!” possible again. This certainly in part explain his unexpected success, for example among Evangelical Christians.

Please help us developm more themes (tax-deductibly) NOW!

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