Britain: Needy Refugee Child Turns Out To Be Hostile Adult Jihadi
Apparently the liberal urge to civilization suicide via immigration remains strong in Britain. A recent kerfuffle has been over the “children” who are being shipped from the Calais “refugee” camp who are obviously adult men.
There is a computer program that estimates age from appearance, and many of the kiddies are determined to be adults. And in most cases, simple eyeballing works well enough to determine the frauds looking to kill infidels or mooch welfare benefits in Europe. See the Daily Mail’s report, “How old are they really? Damning verdict of face recognition software on ‘child’ migrants.”
And why do the Brits have to admit illegal alien Middle Eastern Muslims anyway? Wasn’t BREXIT largely about immigration control and reclaiming national sovereignty?
Today’s horror story concerns a foster family who thought they were getting a 12-year-old orphan boy from Afghanistan but ended up with an eventual death threat from an adult jihad after he had lived with the welcoming parents and their children.
Migrant foster mum reveals her horror at discovering ’12-year-old refugee’ in her care is actually a 21-year-old Jihadi, The Sun (UK), October 22, 2016Kind-hearted Rosie became suspicious when she noticed Afghan lad was ‘hairy’ and was ‘adept at firing rifle’
A FOSTER mum who took in a child refugee has told of her horror after discovering he was a 21-year-old jihadi.
Kind-hearted Rosie welcomed Jamal into her family after social workers said he was a 12-year-old orphan who had fled Afghanistan.
But she became suspicious when she noticed how hairy he was, and how adept he was at firing a rifle.
Jamal was rumbled when a dentist estimated he was a decade older than claimed.Taliban material and child abuse images were later found on his mobile.
The blunder comes after migrants claiming to be children were bussed to the UK from Calais’ Jungle camp. It is feared terrorists could use the same ruse.
Rosie, whose full name we are hiding to protect her from reprisals, said: “Adults are playing the system. It’s putting families like mine and society as a whole at risk.
“I don’t see anything wrong with dental and bone density checks. Some say they are intrusive and degrading. But having a man in your home who’s pretending to be a child is far more intrusive.”
When Rosie and husband Pete, 57, took in Jamal they all switched to halal meat.
She said: “He looked thin and I thought, ‘Bless him’. He was so humble, polite.”
He roomed with a boy, aged 13. Two girls, 12 and 14, were also in the house.
Alarm bells rang when the family went swimming and Rosie’s 13-year-old commented on how hairy he was.
At a climbing centre he shimmied up ropes with ease, and at a shooting range he stripped a gun before firing it.
On a bus to college he was told to get off by a driver who didn’t believe he was 16. Rosie, who lives in the South East, said: “It’s ridiculous how everybody else could see it but not the social workers.”
Jamal’s behaviour worsened. He put the 13-year-old in expert holds, demanded cash and got calls from unknown numbers.
One day he claimed he couldn’t pray because there were too many posters on his wall. The interpreter told him, “What do you mean? Allah doesn’t mind?”
His last words to Rosie were: “I’ll kill you and I know where your children are.”
She added: “I can’t say he was a terrorist but I do think he came from a training camp. He was a great actor.
“Every day I check the car, and that all the house windows are shut. I panic because I know he knows our routine.”
Since being arrested for an alleged assault, Jamal has been turned down for asylum but is appealing.
MP David Davies, who is demanding stronger checks, said: “If we don’t do this then we will see men in their 20s placed with vulnerable children in foster care and in classrooms.”