Britain’s Anti-BNP Campaign: "In Which Case, Why Not Abolish Elections Altogether?"

By James Fulford


Via Kathy Shaidle, this article about how in the middle of an expenses scandal that affects both major political parties, the mainstream British left and right have united in a a "bipartisan" campaign against the BNP.

Yet to New Labour and Conservative politicians and their media supporters, anybody who could consider voting BNP looks like a member of an alien race. The contempt and loathing for a large part of the electorate within the political-media class was well illustrated on last week’s BBC Question Time, when one liberal newspaper columnist said she might favour a General Election to sort out the crisis, but had decided to oppose it out of fear that people might vote for the BNP. In which case, why not abolish elections altogether? These people’s idea of democracy is revealed as the freedom to vote for parties and candidates approved by the elite. [When all else fails, bash the BNP| In its phoney moral crusade to stop the British National Party, the elite has replaced politics with emotional blackmail, By Mick Hume,, May 2, 2009]

For more about this, see last night’s article An American Asks: What’s So Bad About The BNP Anyway? By J. Paige Straley. The basic point is that when there’s a "bipartisan consensus" it gives the voters no opportunity to vote for change. And if conservative parties in particular are distressed by the success of third parties, they might try dumping the "bipartisan consensus" and returning to the values of their base.

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