British Election Update: Reporter "Mugged By Reality" In East London Election Fraud Investigation

By James Fulford


A while back I wrote that "The classic saying about liberals becoming conservatives, or at least neo-conservatives, after being “mugged by reality,” goes double, of course, for anyone who’s actually mugged. "

Something like that seems to have happened to an English reporter for the Independent in a Bangladeshi riding(district) in East London.

By Sean Gabb mentioned the anecdotal evidence of voter registration fraud in the recent British elections, and this reporter was on the trail of Bengali "postal voting fraud."

When I look back on it now what surprises me is how disarmingly polite my attackers were.

"What are you doing?" asked one of the two, seemingly inquisitive, Asian teenagers [ note: Asian in modern British journalism means Pakistani, Pakistan being on the "sub-continent" of Asia.] who approached me on a quiet cul-de-sac in Bow, east London, shortly after 1pm yesterday.

"There’s been a photographer around here, do you know her?" he added.

I didn’t, but I explained I was a journalist for The Independent looking to speak to a man at an address in the area, who was standing as a candidate in the local elections, about allegations of postal vote fraud. "Can we see your note pad," the boy asked.

I declined and then the first punch came — landing straight on my nose, sending blood and tears streaming down my face. Then another. Then another.

I tried to protect myself but a fresh crop of attackers — I guess between four and six — joined in. As they knocked me to the ground one of them brought a traffic cone repeatedly down on the back of my head.

As their fists and feet slammed into me, all I could think about was some advice a friend had given me. She’s a paramedic and has dealt with countless victims of assault. "Whatever you do don’t get knocked to the ground," she once said. "Blows on the floor are much more dangerous." It seemed faintly absurd now. "That’s easy for you to say," I thought. "How on earth are you meant to stay up?"

I don’t know how long it lasted — it was probably only a minute — but it was a long minute. I don’t remember them saying anything as they did it. The first noise I was aware of was the beeping of a car horn and a woman screaming.

['The first punch came, landing on my nose, sending blood down my face'| 'Independent' reporter Jerome Taylor relives his bloody experience on the trail of voting fraud in east London, May 4, 2010]

He may have been mugged, but he’s still making liberal noises:
"Bengalis do tend to have large families and this is the third most deprived borough in the country. Overcrowding is a serious issue. But other Bengalis I know in the area had told me that it was very unusual to have any more than five adults in one house. The households are large, they said, because they have lots of children — not lots of adults.

Thinking back on my experience perhaps I was na??ve to venture into the area on my own, although I do live in east London, know the estates well and have rarely felt threatened. My Bengali neighbours, meanwhile, are particularly kind and well-liked because they tend to keep a tighter leash on their kids. "

The "tighter leash" he’s talking about refers to the greater social control exercised by Muslim fathers. While this may be preferable to the riotous drunkenness exhibited by some young white Englishmen and women, it also includes honor killing and forced marriage.

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