Broward County Admits Nikolas Cruz In Program To Suppress Minority Kids’ Criminal Records — Making Getting Guns Easier
Broward County has admitted, after previously denying it, that it had mass murderer Nikolas Cruz in a program for bad kids specifically designed to keep them out of the hands of law enforcment:
Broward school district officials admitted Sunday that the confessed Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gunman was assigned to a controversial disciplinary program, after the superintendent repeatedly claimed Nikolas Cruz had “no connection” to the alternative punishment designed to limit on-campus arrests.
Two sources with knowledge of Cruz’s discipline records told WLRN he was referred to the so-called PROMISE Program for a three-day stint after committing vandalism at Westglades Middle School in 2013.
Stoneman Douglas Shooter Was Assigned To Controversial Broward Discipline Program, Officials Now Say
By Jessica Bakeman, May 6, 2018
When the the Parkdale shooter was announced as being named Nikolas Cruz, I asked: Hispanic School Shooter In Florida: Disgruntled Minority Massacre Or Immigrant Mass Murder?
Cruz, who is adopted, is less of a member of a minority than white Cuban/Irish Senator Ted Cruz is, but he has a Spanish-surname, and thus counts as a beneficiary of programs to make minorities look better and suffer less for their crimes. When minority kids go to jail for beating someone or stealing something, this is called the "school to prison pipeline."
James Kirkpatrick put it this way
Thanks to the Obama Administration’s determination to make sure schools couldn’t discipline minority students, local and federal law enforcement refrained from doing anything about Nikolas Cruz, despite multiple reports. As a result, Cruz was carry out his appalling crime in Florida, which, rather than prompting a Main Stream Media investigation about how it could have happened, is sparking a drive to make sure law-abiding Americans are prevented from defending themselves.
We've written a lot about this in respect to Nikolas Cruz:
Steve Sailer did two:
- Obama on How His Administration Fought to Keep Spanish-Surnamed Youths Like Nikolas Cruz from Getting Anything on Their Permanent Records
- A 2013 Article: "Reversing Broward County’s School-To-Prison Pipeline" (I. E. Not Arresting Kids Like Nikolas Cruz)
Five other columnists covered it:
- Ann Coulter: Nikolas Cruz And The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline
- Michelle Malkin: Release the Florida School Shooting Surveillance Video
- John Derbyshire On Parkland School Shooting Reaction: Hysterics Under The Guidance Of Fanatics.
- Patrick J. Buchanan: Protect Kids Or Confiscate Guns?
Jared Taylor And Paul Kersey: "How Nikolas Cruz Got His Gun"
And I still don’t think WLRN (above) gets it that the reason Broward County was worried about the arrests was the arrestees were minorities.
One person who did get it was former President Barack Obama, who signed an initiative to encourage schools to not arrest criminal students, saying:
Number three, we know that Latino kids are almost twice as likely as white kids to be suspended from school.
Black kids are nearly four times as likely. And if a student has been suspended even once by the time they’re in 9th grade they are twice as likely to drop out. That’s why my administration has been working with schools on alternatives to the so-called “zero tolerance” guidelines — not because teachers or administrators or fellow students should have to put up with bad behavior, but because there are ways to modify bad behavior that lead to good behavior — as opposed to bad behavior out of school. We can make classrooms good places for learning for everybody without jeopardizing a child’s future.
In the Stoneman Douglas School, 14 students and 3 staff members no longer have a future. Nikolas Cruz’s future doesn’t look that hot either. What really looks bright is the future of home-schooling.