Bush in Guatemala

By Joe Guzzardi


Since I have sisters, nieces and nephews in Guatemala, I am always on the look out for news items from that unstable Central American country.

Apparently, Bush’s visit earlier this week displeased the Mayan priests so much that, according to an Associated Press report, they felt compelled to "purify" a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" eft behind by Bush.[Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit By Juan Carlos Llorca, Associated Press March 8, 2007]

While I am totally sympathetic to the anti-Bush sentiment, I was taken aback by the reasons given by the Mayan religious and political leaders. On the top of their list of grievances against Bush is his

"persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States … "

Where do they get this stuff? Not a shred of evidence exists that Guatemalans have been poorly treated in the U.S. Now if you want to see some harsh treatment of humans against each other you might want to take a tour of the Guatemalan prison system...if you dare.

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