CAIR Is Shown to Be a Threat, yet the DOJ Won’t Prosecute
Rep. Sue Myrick is the Chair of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis and Counterintelligence, as befits her record of leadership on national security issues.
Myrick’s Youtube channel has posted a series of informational videos about the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliations. The most recent outlines the connections between the Brotherhood and the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which claims to be a civil rights organization but is the propaganda arm for the terrorist group Hamas, as revealed in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial.
CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad, stated a basic strategy: "I believe that our problem is that we stopped working underground … the media person among us will realize that you send two messages: one to the Americans and one to the Muslims."
CAIR’s message to the Americans is that anyone who objects to the totalitarian objectives of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood is Islamophobic.
(Also available are previous videos Part 1 and Part 2.)
Given all this information about the criminal activity of CAIR, why hasn’t the group been prosecuted? That’s what Homeland Security Chair Peter King would like to know. He discussed that subject in a wide-ranging interview with Fox News on Sunday:
King seeks answers on why DOJ declined to seek indictments against Muslim groups for terrorist financing. The Daily Caller, April 22, 2011Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Peter King of New York is concerned that nefarious political motives led the Justice Department to abandon the terrorist financing prosecutions of several Muslim groups suspected of funneling money to the terrorist group Hamas.
In 2009, the Obama administration declined to seek indictments of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its co-founder Omar Ahmad, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) for their alleged participation in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding conspiracy.
King says that despite the concerns of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Dallas, high ranking administration officials unjustifiably dropped the prosecutions of the Islamic groups.
”We have been contacted by former justice department officials, former assistant U.S. attorneys who were involved and are knowledgeable about the case,” King told The Daily Caller. “They were very concerned and angry because the case was ready for indictment and they believe there would have been indictments and convictions.”
King has called on Attorney General Eric Holder to explain the reasons behind dropping the investigation.
”I believe this is part of the whole approach of Eric Holder. Investigating the CIA interrogators, trying to have the 9/11 trials in NY one just flows from the other,” said King. “I believe Holder has a very appeasement-like attitude when it comes to dealing with radical Islam. Obviously if it is a clear case of terrorism he will go after it.
But if there is any ambiguity in his mind, he doesn’t want to get involved, especially with a group like CAIR, which has emerged, unfortunately, as the main spokesman for the Muslim community.”
CAIR has not responded well to King’s increased scrutiny. CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper accused King of anti-Muslim bias Wednesday.
”It is sad that Representative King’s personal vendetta against the American Muslim community has led him to become a mouthpiece for anti-Islam hate,” Hooper told TheDC in a statement. “This is an obvious attempt at political payback for criticism of the anti-Muslim bias in Mr. King’s recent hearing. Representative King is abusing the power of his office to carry out a political witch hunt targeting American Muslims.”
Hooper’s accusations have not phased King in the least. He says he will continue asking tough questions unapologetically.
”Ibrahim Hooper always resorts to personal attacks. I have had a close relationship with the Muslim community…But I am very disappointed in the leadership of the Muslim community which I believe in too many cases ends up apologizing for radical Islam,” King said.