
CAIR Muslims Demand Resignation of NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly

By Brenda Walker


Hostile Muslims residing in New York are in a snit over a story in The New York Times about the showing of an informational film about Islamic jihad to members of the Police Department. (See Anti-Jihad Documentary Is Shown to NYPD, which Alarms NYTimes.)

The Muslims want the resignation of Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who appeared for about 30 seconds in the 72-minute film, The Third Jihad, but that was too much for fifth-column unfriendlies. The Muslims also complain about police surveillance at mosques and Islamic neighborhoods, despite the obvious fact that nearly all murderous terrorists are Allah devotees for some curious reason.

Among knowledgeable soldiers and police, learning about one’s foe is considered a plus. Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, “if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.” In the movie Patton, viewers saw the General exclaim about Rommel during a successful battle, “I read your book!” about tank warfare.

Below, a Muslim group and supporters call for Ray Kelly’s resignation because of his brief appearance in a film they don’t like. (An examination of the signs shows an interesting confluence of far-left ideology with anti-American Muslims, e.g. “RAY-cist Kelly… The World Can’t Wait” etc.)

Agitated Muslims say that the film portrays all Allah-followers as head-choppers, but the producers respond otherwise on the doc’s website in response to the controversy:

The beginning of the film states in bold letters that, “This is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. Only a small percentage of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims are radical.”

In this instance, Muslims again reveal themselves to be the enemies of free speech and public safety from Islamic terrorism.

They are helped by slavish media coverage, like the AP story below. For example, it doesn’t mention the support for terrorism of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which is a leader of the campaign against Kelly: in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trail, CAIR was found to be an unindicted co-conspirator in the case and a supporter of terror group Hamas in the US. Nor does it ask for comment from the film’s producers.

Kelly should say that the truth is his defense, but his boss Mayor Bloomberg favored the Ground Zero mosque, and the Commissioner probably wants to keep his job. Too bad.

Muslims call for NYPD chief to resign over movie, Associated Press, January 26, 2012

Muslim groups are calling for New York’s police commissioner to step down because of his appearance in a film they say paints their religion and its adherents in a bad light.

About 20 activists held a news conference on the steps of City Hall on Thursday and criticized Ray Kelly for giving an interview to the producers of the movie “The Third Jihad.”

The movie uses dramatic footage to warn against the dangers of radical Islam. Muslim groups say it encourages Americans to be suspicious of all Muslims.

“Terrorism is an evil that must be eliminated, but one cannot fight wrong with wrong,” said Talib Abdur-Rashid, a Muslim cleric.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Thursday he stood by Kelly and the commissioner’s spokesman, Paul Browne. Activists had also demanded Browne’s resignation.

However, the mayor said Kelly would have to redouble his outreach efforts to Muslims.

“Anything like this doesn’t help credibility, so Ray’s got to work at establishing, re-establishing or reinforcing the credibility that he does have,” Bloomberg said.

Kelly appears for about 30 seconds of the 72-minute movie. He originally said he was not involved but on Wednesday acknowledged he had given a 90-minute interview to the filmmakers in 2007.

The movie was later shown to police trainees. The police department said it was played in a continuous loop in the sign-in area of counterterrorism training sessions between October and December 2010. As many as 1,489 trainees may have seen the movie, according to documents released under New York’s public records law.

Kelly apologized Wednesday for his appearance and for the playing of the movie.

The Muslim leaders said they are worried that the police department is teaching officers to treat all Muslims as suspects. They demanded the resignation of Kelly and his spokesman Paul Browne, and a U.S. Department of Justice inquiry into the showing of the film.

The activists also want retraining of all 1,489 officers “that are walking this city with poison in their brains,” said Cyrus McGoldrick, civil rights director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations-New York. CAIR is one of the organizations that “The Third Jihad” accuses of being soft on terrorist groups.

Kelly has said the department does surveillance only when it is following leads. But an investigation by The Associated Press has revealed a secret intelligence program, set up with the aid of the Central Intelligence Agency, aimed at infiltrating religious groups and monitoring neighborhoods even when there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

The CIA has since decided to pull its officer from the NYPD after an internal investigation criticized poor oversight of the collaboration.

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