CAIR Pro-Jihad Propaganda Shows Up in San Francisco

By Brenda Walker


San Francisco TV reported Friday morning that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has installed bus ads in the city portraying “jihad” as meaning some sort of personal improvement program.

Hey, can a Jihad Cookbook be far behind?

CAIR doesn’t have many cards to play, since the news is full of Islamic murder-jihad daily. Still, the group has practically unlimited cash from Middle Eastern thug regimes, so it can dink around with ineffective public relations to keep its name in the news.

Which gets more attention: silly bus ads or the Taliban’s attempted assassination of a courageous 13-year-old Pakistani girl, Mulala Yousafzai, because she wanted school for girls? Mulala was recently released from a Birmingham hospital where she has been treated because the Taliban continue to threaten her life at home. She was a runner-up to be Time Magazine’s annual Person of the Year for her leadership.

The San Francisco news coverage typically walked on eggshells not to insult mass-murdering Islam:

CAIR seems to be working on a strategy aimed to change the definitions of words. Another recent foray was its demand that American media stop using the term “Islamist.” You can fool some of the people some of the time, but less so when Muslims continue to kill for their religion on a regular basis.

CAIR’s ads are a reaction to the truthful posters created by the freedom fighters at Atlas and

Here’s the text version of ABC-San Francisco’s fawning report about Islamo-diversity, brought here by unwise immigration:

SF buses help teach what ‘jihad’ really means, ABC KGO-TV, January 03, 2013

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Buses in San Francisco are carrying messages of jihad, but it’s not what you might think. It’s a campaign to educate residents about the real meaning of the word. It’s a campaign that began in Chicago and has now reached the Bay Area.

One statement on the side of a Muni bus reads: “My jihad is to stay fit despite my busy schedule. What’s yours?”

It’s part of an educational campaign created by CAIR — the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The group has put 35 ads on buses rolling through the streets of San Francisco.

“The intention of the campaign is to educate our fellow Americans about what the word jihad means,” said Zahra Billoo, the executive director of the Bay Area office for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said, “A common misconception of the word jihad is that it means armed struggle or holy war and that is something that has been perpetrated by many who’ve made careers out of pushing anti-Muslim sentiment.”

We asked some Muni riders if they knew the definition of jihad. Most of the answers we got were “a religious war” and “a holy war”.

Miriam Webster also defines it as a holy war, but it lists a second definition — one that Billoo says is much more appropriate.

“The proper meaning of jihad as many of us frequently describe it is to struggle. And that’s it. For many, that is anything from building relationships with their neighbors to making it to work on time or doing better on their diets,” said Billoo.

It’s a meaning many don’t know.

“I didn’t know the definition either. It’s interesting to be educated on it,” said one Muni rider.

But Muni rider Nicholas Thomas doesn’t know how big an impact the ads will make. He said, “I think for so long it’s been ingrained in people’s heads that it has such negative connotation, that I think that’s sort of rooted in people and that for that idea to change, it would probably take a little bit more than just people talking about it.”

The ads will remain on the buses through the third week of January and the organization says they wouldn’t mind expanding to other Bay Area transit agencies.

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