Calderon Inaugurated as President of Mexico

By Allan Wall


On December 1st, 2006, Felipe Calderon was inaugurated as president of Mexico, for a six-year term.

Mexico’s president has many challenges to face, and I wish him the best. The principal priorities of his administration, he has announced, are "security, jobs and fighting poverty." Yes, it’s a big challenge, and it would be good for all of us if he succeeds. He needs to hit the ground running, that’s for sure. I hope he does succeed .

I was also quite pleased with what Calderon had to say about Mexican emigration in a speech delivered after his inauguration:

"Migration continues to divide our families. Rather than having workers leave, I desire to seek investment from the United States. It is better that investment come here where our workers are, that our families and communites no longer be divided." "To create the jobs that we need, it is indispensible to remove obstacles that impede both businesses and the economy from growing faster. Important changes in economic policy are needed … "

Amen, Presidente Calderon! Wonderful words, and I hope you can follow up on them!

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