California Acts to Protect Unlicensed (and Illegal) Drivers

By Brenda Walker


Gov. Jerry Brown, in an earlier official incarnation, recommended that politicians should “paddle to the left, paddle to the right.” But truth be told, Democrat Brown has been very left-wing, notably when he allowed state government employees to become unionized, which has been a major element in California’s sinking finances. His recent decisions show how well he fits into crazy-leftist Sacramento, where the Mexican tail wags the Democrat dog.

On Saturday, Gov. Brown signed the California DREAM Act into law which has already aroused a storm of protest among taxpayers.

On Monday, Brown okayed the non-impoundment of vehicles belonging to unlicensed drivers, making the highways far more hazardous. It was the only punishment for illegal alien drivers who don’t even get a handslap in this state. Now they will have zero reason to avoid driving.

Research done by the AAA Foundation titled “Unlicensed to Kill” found that unlicensed drivers are involved in one of every five fatal crashes. The purpose of licensing drivers is to protect public safety, something which is often forgotten because DLs have become the standard identification card.

Below is a July report (DUI checkpoints: Profit over practicality?, KABC Los Angeles) when the bill went through committee, where bogus claims were made that checkpoints were a scam for the state to make money. That was just to cover up the Raza objective of making life easier for illegal alien diversity, even though the legislation makes the highways more dangerous for everyone. Crime victim mom Ellen Rosenberg of Westlake Village appeared and held a picture of her son, Drew, who was killed by an unlicensed driver last year.

Jerry Brown OKs bills on autism, unlicensed drivers, San Francisco Chronicle, October 10, 2011

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Brown also signed a bill prohibiting police from arresting many unlicensed drivers and impounding their cars at drunken-driving checkpoints.

Advocates for illegal immigrants backed the bill, AB353 by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, saying the immigrants are in a costly bind. They can’t obtain driver’s licenses, but must drive to support themselves, and were significantly impacted by the fees for impounded cars.

Under the law, police cannot impound a car at a checkpoint if the only offense was driving without a license.

Citation, no arrest

Officers must make a reasonable effort to contact the registered owner of the car, or a licensed driver authorized by the registered owner to pick up the car. Police may issue a citation for driving without a license but cannot arrest the driver.

Mark Silverman, director of immigration policy at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, said the law helps build trust between police and the immigrant community.

“It’s good for the immigrants, it’s good for public safety, it’s good for everyone but the towing companies,” Silverman said.

But Dan Rosenberg, who testified against the bill after his 25-year-old son was killed last year by an unlicensed driver in San Francisco, was furious when he learned Brown had signed the bill. He vowed to work to repeal it.

“He’s just sentenced hundreds of people to death this year by signing this bill,” said Rosenberg, who lives in Westlake Village (Los Angeles County).

Studies by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety have found that unlicensed drivers are more dangerous than licensed drivers.

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