
California Giving Money to Illegal Aliens, Mexico’s MILENIO Wants to Make Sure They Collect

By Allan Wall


The State of California, under the leadership of Governor Gavin Newsom, is giving 125 million dollars in coronavirus relief to illegal aliens. The plan is for 75 million to come from the state budget and 50 million from private donations, with all the money to be distributed by "regional nonprofits".

The Associated Press had an article about it on April 15th, entitled California to give cash payments to immigrants hurt by virus
by Adam Beam, April 15, 2020.

Do they know about this in Mexico? You better believe it.

For example, on the very same day as the AP article, Mexico’s Milenio published an abridgement/adaptation of the AP article. [California dará apoyos a migrantes durante pandemia de coronavirus Milenio, April 15, 2020]

Two days later, Milenio directed its article to Mexicans with relatives living illegally in California. The article was entitled ¿Tienes un familiar indocumentado en California? Ofrecen apoyos de USD$500 which translates to English as "Do you have an undocumented relative in California? They are offering payments of 500 U.S. Dollars", by Mario A. Arteaga, Milenio, April 17, 2020.

Readers can remind their relatives in Alta California to make sure and get their coronavirus checks. They wouldn’t want them to miss out on that.

#Entérate 💸 | ¿Tienes un familiar indocumentado en California? Ofrecen apoyos de USD$500

⬇️ Sigue leyendo …

— Milenio León (@milenio_leon) April 17, 2020

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