By Linda Thom
The Washington Times has it right.[California spent on high-speed rail and illegal immigrants, but ignored Oroville Dam, By Valerie Richardson, February 13, 2017] While California spent millions on Governor Brown’s high-speed railway to nowhere, the state failed to spend on infrastructure such as dam repair. The Oroville dam is not the only problem. California has many of the nation’s dams in need of fixing.
California requested grants from President Trump’s promised infrastructure funding.
Nevertheless, the state had money to hire former Attorney General Eric Holder to intercede on California’s behalf against the Federal Government for actions in the state’s interest. [California braces for a Trump presidency by tapping former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder for legal counsel, by Melanie Mason, LA Times, January 4, 2017] The contract does not spell out what that work might be. The contract will pay $25,000 per month for 40 hours of work.
Perhaps California might use Eric Holder’s services to plead for federal money to fix the state’s dams.