
Can NeoCons, Slave Power Unseat Walter Jones, North Carolina’s Best Immigration Patriot?

Patrick Cleburne


Lobbyist Pigs

NC’s other GOP Congresscritters at Treason Lobby trough

There is probably no state in the Union where the influence of Treason Lobby money on the evolution of the Republican politics has been greater than in North Carolina. A study of the NumbersUSA rankings for the state reveals that none of the large number of incoming GOP Congresscritters of the last two elections has emerged as a Patriotic leader — one, Richard Hudson of NC-8 has a disgusting D. There has been an ominous deterioration in the score of old-timers, for instance Howard Coble (NC-6) who has gone down to C+ from a career A+. And of course the state has supplied the Slave Power pinup girl Renee Ellmers.

A standout exception is Walter Jones (NC-3) who has maintained his 1995-2014 career ranking of A. He is now the only A in the entire North Carolina delegation.

Walter Jones is also a valiant dissenter on foreign policy, being against America’s Middle East adventures and foreign aid. This has brought in a deluge of hostile spending from the usual culprits:

Ending Spending Action Fund, a super PAC led by billionaire Joe Ricketts and backed by conservative donor Sheldon Adelson, is airing a new TV ad that condemns Jones’ voting records

Super PAC airs ads attacking Jones; he responds with Helms endorsement Posted by Caitlin Owens and John Frank on March 24, 2014 news&observer.com.

The Emergency Committee for Israel, a pro-Israel group, also had run a similar ad

NC Rep Jones faces GOP rival, $1M in outside money By GARY D. ROBERTSON The Washington Times Friday May 2 2014

A well-funded GOP Establishment Apparatchik has been airlifted into the district as discussed by Cliff Brant, editor the excellent conservative North Carolina blog The Daily Haymaker (which I wish I had found earlier in the Primary season):

…if you’re going to retire someone, be careful about who you replace them with. I am a bit concerned about primary challenger Taylor Griffin. He has slim ties to the district and appears to have been parachuted into the district by special interests seeking vengeance against Jones. All kinds of Wall Street insiders and groups seeking to keep Israel on DC’s gravy train are lining up behind Griffin with a bunch of cash.

Two Worth Keeping: Jones and Meadows April 25, 2014

Brant quotes a very proficient hatchet job on Taylor Griffin by The Huffington Post: Last Remaining Populist House Republican Faces K Street’s Own Wolf Of Wall Street By Lee Fang 04/17/2014

Several outlets, such as Bloomberg News, have reported that Griffin’s candidacy is being heavily promoted by the financial industry. JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and other banks helped fuel the $114,000 fundraising haul Griffin reported in his first campaign disclosure report. Earlier this week, a Super PAC financed in part by hedge fund titan Paul Singer went on air with a negative ad against Jones.

(Yes, that Paul Singer.)

The moronic Animal Farm-style sloganeering used against Jones is that he is far less Republican/conservative than his district. But with the traditional ranking services now controlled by elements radically hostile to views like those of Jones on Foreign Policy and Immigration, a real question exists as to the veracity of these indicators.

VDARE.com prefers the NumbersUSA evidence: on America’s key existential question, Walter Jones is North Carolina’s Finest.

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