
Can We Call Off #MeToo for the Duration?

By Steve Sailer


If we are lucky, in the coming months we will read numerous stories about brilliant researchers and doctors heading laboratories that have innovated new treatments and prevention methods.

Because this is the life sciences, a sizable fraction of these innovators will be women. But we must be prepared for the fact that a large number of these upcoming benefactors of humanity will be … men.

Under 2019 Rules, any man running a large organization that employed a lot of women and who happened to Surface in the Media was fair game for any woman who used to work for him deciding that what The Conversation needed now to be about was about that time he put his hand on my shoulder at work and it made me feel funny and I thought about it for weeks and I have now decided it was sexual assault. So Society must validate my feeling by firing this man from his job.

Here’s my request: Under 2020 Rules, we postpone all such Conversations involving anybody involved in the effort for the duration.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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