Carlson And CIS’s Camarota On Language Non-Assimilation: 45 Percent Of California Household Don’t Speak English At Home
In the video below, Tucker Carlson began by observing, “An immigrant woman in California was recently able to obtain American citizenship despite having by her own description no ability to read or write English. That shouldn’t be a surprise though. According to the Census Bureau nearly 45 percent of California households speak a language other than English at home.”
Tucker may have read the Census report to that effect or an article about it like the one in
Census: Almost Half of Californians’ Households Speak Language Other than English, By Neil Munro, October 24, 2017Almost half of the people in California and one-third of Texans speak a language other than English at home, according to a new Census Bureau report.
In 2016, 44.6 percent of people aged five and above “speak a language other than English at home” in California, says the new report, which was highlighted October 24 by
If children aged 0 to 4 are included in the calculation, the percentage will rise above 44.6 percent because two-thirds of births in 2013 were Latino, Asian or mixed.
Nationwide, 21.6 percent of people aged 5 and older speak a language other than English at home, and 8.6 percent report they do not speak English very well … .
Steve Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies joined Tucker to discuss the state of the English language in America. What’s really scandalous is the fact that immigrants really aren’t required to speak English to become citizens — it’s another instance where the government has lied to us for years about immigration.
A big hint about language diversity is the availability multi-lingual ballots at polling stations throughout America. The one shown below is in Los Angeles County.
Here is the discussion with Tucker Carlson and Steve Camarota:
Spare audio:
TUCKER CARLSON: Steven Camarota is Director of Research for the Center for Immigration Studies: he joins us now. So I have a couple questions, Steven. First, I thought in order to become a citizen, you had to have some mastery of English.STEVEN CAMAROTA: No. Basically the way it works is if you’ve been here for 20 years and you’re over 50, they can give you a waiver. In addition the actual English language question is only like one sentence, and you can take …
CARLSON: The intent of the law though, I mean when lawmakers passed this, it was they wanted people speaking English before they became citizens, correct?
CAMAROTA: Yeah, that was the idea, but it’s it’s not really enforced. There’s tremendous discretion on the part of the examiner. So basically it looks like maybe a third, a quarter of all people who have naturalized citizens are functionally illiterate in English, and that’s partly because of this waiver system, but partly because even if you pass the test it doesn’t mean very much. It’s basically one, two sentences and you have to be able to read it, that kind of thing.
CARLSON: So we’re not really trying to assimilate anybody, and we’re kind of lying about that. So what happens if you have the biggest state in the United States — California — and nearly half of the families there don’t speak English at home? Language is culture; they’re not part of the larger American culture — or am I overstating it?
CAMAROTA: Yeah, well you might be because it doesn’t mean that they don’t know any English; it doesn’t mean that they’re completely isolated, but you raise a profound point. Look, one of the ways assimilation works is immigrants and their kids basically are submerged in an ocean of natives and their kids who speak English, but in a place like California and actually throughout all over the United States, we have a situation where the level of immigration has been so high for so long we now about 66 million people who don’t speak English at home, about half of them say that they don’t speak English well, even though the rest say they do, we don’t know how well they actually speak, but research suggests most of them don’t speak English very well even when they say they do.
So when the numbers are so big, it kind of overwhelms, if you will, the assimilation process, and it creates all kinds of political pressure to do things like this — create waivers and so forth.
CARLSON: So the people who are born here wind up assimilating to the culture of the immigrants brought here.
CAMAROTA: Yeah, about half those people who don’t speak English at home are US born; they’re not foreign born.
CARLSON: It’s ominous, I think because it’s hard to have united country with multiple languages.
CAMAROTA: English is one of the glues that holds this together, and it’s not clear that the country can withstand this level of immigration.
CARLSON: Steven Camarota, thank you for joining us.