By Federale
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the primary enforcement arm of the United States for immigration laws, where it makes arrests at Ports-of-Entry (POE) and within the United States, primarily near the land or maritime borders of the United States, though their authority to make arrests includes all of the United States. The components of CBP that primarily make arrests of aliens for immigration law violations are the United States Border Patrol (USBP), which operates outside the POEs, and the Office of Field Operations (OFO), which operates at POEs, where it examines arriving American citizens and/or nationals and inspects arriving aliens. The purpose of the USBP enforcement activities is to prevent illegal entry by aliens through the borders of the United States or arrest those who were not prevented from entering, while the OFO’s enforcement activities are to prevent the admission of aliens ineligible for admission at POEs.
During the Biden Regime, both the USBP and OFO have had their mandates under law changed from enforcement to aiding illegal immigration, and their tweets expose it all.
First, @CBP has much to say on illegal immigration, ostensibly claiming the border is secure and there will be consequences for those who enter illegally.
According to U.S. immigration laws, the fact is that most noncitizens coming to our border are not eligible to remain in the United States. Asylum laws do not provide for relief solely for economic reasons or for general violence.
— CBP (@CBP) May 22, 2023
They even have a few sad sacks that are being deported, but whether they are being removed under Expedited Removal or other authority is not clear.
Consecuencias bajo el Título 8 por cruzar la frontera:
— CBP (@CBP) May 22, 2023
▪️ Prohibición de 5 años de reingreso si es deportado
▪️ Una deportación acelerada
▪️ Encausamiento por evadir su detención, la reincidencia y participación en contrabando
But in fact, few are being deported, much less any invaders with fraudulent asylum claims. Most are released on their own recognizance after arrest; over 60,000 illegal aliens were released by the USBP in April, with only a meager 8,000 illegal aliens removed under Expedited Removal, with almost all of those removed being Mexican citizens not claiming asylum.
More detailed records show that most invaders arrested were granted “humanitarian release” or transferred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for release into the interior of the United States, with those being mostly families and unaccompanied minors coming to join family members already in the United States.
CBP Statistics On Arrests And Releases
The Big Lie continues. This is the lie to the American people that “the border is closed.” Instead CBP is telling illegal aliens that the CBP One app is fixed and to wait in Mexico to receive your parole for your fraudulent asylum claim processing and your work permit, because America needs low pay employees.
SECRETARY MAYORKAS: Let me turn that question around a little bit, because I’m going to turn it around to match the question that an international partner asked of me. And the question that the international partner asked of me is, “What is the economic cost of your broken immigration system?” Since there are businesses around this country that are desperate for workers, there are desperate workers looking for jobs in — desperate workers in foreign countries that are looking for jobs in the United States where they can earn money lawfully and send much-needed remittances back home. What is the cost of a broken immigration system? That is the question that I am asked, and that is the question that I pose to Congress, because it is extraordinary.
[Karine Jean-Pierre and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Press Briefing, unattributed, The White House, May 11, 2023]
In the press conference, Mayorkas admits that the ongoing Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty is for the Slave Power, and he lies to the American people, stating that the border is not open and that those illegal aliens without a legal basis to remain will be promptly deported. That is not happening. Only Mexicans are being deported and an illegal parole amnesty is being used to flood the country with illegal aliens.
To further the big lie that the border is closed, CBP is telling invaders that the CBP One app is being fixed, and to wait in Mexico for their illegal parole amnesty.
CBP One™ app improvements include:
— CBP (@CBP) May 24, 2023
• 23 hours provided to confirm appointments.
• Older registrations will take precedence and will be scheduled first.
• Connectivity issues mitigated- longer periods of time to make and confirm appointments.
CBP then admits that invaders will be welcomed with or without an appointment on the CBP One app.
The #CBPOne app is working. It allows individuals to schedule an appointment throughout Central & Northern Mexico and remain in place until it is time to present for their appointment: cutting out smugglers, and reducing exploitation.
— CBP (@CBP) May 23, 2023
CBP officials admit that “undocumented non-citizens” are free to come to the border and be processed. Essentially CBP is now the alien smuggling cartel, encouraging illegal aliens to come to the United States.
It seems CBP is a congenital liar. CBP claims that illegal aliens released after arrest are not provided with free transportation onward to their destination.
NOTICE: Claims that migrants will be provided free travel and transportation to their destination are false. The U.S. government does not provide help or financial support for noncitizens.
— CBP (@CBP) May 25, 2023
That is a lie. Non-governmental organizations (NGO), contracted by the United States, are providing onward transportation and, in some cases, ICE is directly paying for transportation or through NGOs and charities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is also paying directly for transportation and shelter of illegal aliens.
Additionally, the Administration will continue to mobilize faith-based and non-profit organizations supporting migrants, including those providing temporary shelter, food, and humanitarian assistance before often reuniting with family as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.
[FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Border Enforcement Actions, Press Release, unattributed, The White House, January 5, 2023]
And ICE is in the practice of funding and directing the travel of illegal aliens.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been working with local organizations on possibly sending migrants on buses to Tennessee.
However, on Wednesday, ICE confirmed no migrants had been sent to Tennessee.
“These are folks who are coming here to seek safety, seek asylum, they have gone through the process, cleared to be released out of detention,” Judith Clerjeune said.
At Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Clerjeune said they’d been speaking with ICE on migrants coming to Middle Tennessee. So they have been working to coordinate shelter, food, and transportation.
[ICE Might Send Migrants To Tennessee On Buses, Federal Officials Say, by Alexandra Koehn, New Channel 5 Nashville, December 21, 2022]
Time for arrests, not only of Joe Biden, but the CBP officials aiding and abetting this invasion of illegal aliens.