Charlottesville Narrative Collapse: Heaphy Confirms Sam Dickson — Police Told "Let Them Fight It Out"

By James Fulford


Timothy Heaphy has released his Final Report — Independent Review of the 2017 Protest Events in Charlottesville [PDF | alternate ]and it confirms that local police were told to stand down and not protect the "Unite The Right" protesters from Antifa.

Sam Dickson wrote in a statement we published last night [Sam Dickson’s Statement To Charlottesville Inquiry: “The Police Were Acting Under Orders. WHO GAVE THOSE ORDERS?”] that, hearing a proclamation that the rally was being declared unlawful, he felt that:

I assume the proclamation had been written by Governor McAuliffe or the State Attorney General in advance because there had been no criminal activity by the participants and the text was obviously in writing.

Here’s Richmond Times Dispatch Ned Oliver, in Charlottesville, tweeting

"Heaphy: reports from a couple people in the command center the chief of police said "let them fight for a little. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly".

Heaphy: reports from a couple people in the command center the chief of police said "let them fight for a little. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly"

— Ned Oliver (@nedoliver) December 1, 2017

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