We have a tag called "Charlottesville Narrative Collapse," a special case of what’s called Narrative Collapse, in which the media’s Narrative of what happened some case like Trayvon Martin’s failed assault on George Zimmerman will collapse when presented to, in Zimmerman’s case, a jury.
In the case of the Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally of August 11–12, 2017, the Narrative is about horrible Nazis gathering and killing people.
What actually happened, as VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow wrote, was that
a lawful assembly protesting the proposed vandalism of a Robert E. Lee statue was repressed and physically attacked by elected, uniformed, civilian and paramilitary Democrats, followed by an obviously pre-planned nationwide pogrom against Dissident Right individuals and outlets that were not remotely connected with the rally (i.e. VDARE.com).
Three things show that the Narrative has collapsed, for anyone actually paying attention:
Jason Kessler, who organized what was meant to be a peaceful rally, is pursuing a lawsuit which will further the collapse of the Narrative, which a judge decided to dismiss. Kessler is appealing that, and also asking for some biased law clerks to recuse themselves.
See Motions to Recuse Filed Against Biased Charlottesville Rally Clerks [Read Here] Jason Kessler.us, March 24, 2020, in which he writes:
Plaintiffs in a free speech case stemming from the 2017 Unite the Right rally have filed a Motion to Recuse two law clerks writing the opinions of Judge Norman K Moon citing unacceptable bias within his courtroom.
Incredibly, Judge Moon’s opinions in multiple cases stemming from the rally have been written by close personal friends of Elizabeth Sines, a woman suing rally organisers. Further evidence shows that Judge Moon’s clerks going back to 2018 are 1. Material fact witnesses in the cases 2. Friends of an opposing litigant and 3. Have made several prejudicial statements about rally organisers before being hired to decide matters in these cases.
The point is that most Judges' decisions are largely written by their clerks, and not only is bias in a Judge dangerous, so is bias in a clerk, and the case for recusal here seems pretty clear:
You can donate to Kessler here.