Cheerful Poll Results from Univision
There’s nothing like a softball “poll” to hide cultural dysfunction and promote an open-borders agenda. That’s what would be expected when Univision — the Spanish media company that profits from Mexifornication — is making up the questions. Put them together with the liberal Associated Press and what comes out is a happy-face portrayal of immigration in general and Hispanics in particular.
For starters, hispanics profess to LOVE education and hope their kiddies will be college graduates, we read from the poll, but the truth is not so cheerful. In fact, hispanic kids have among the highest school dropout rates of any ethnic group. Talk is cheap; real achievement is harder.
AP-Univision Poll: US Hispanics mix hopes, strains, AP, July 20, 2010Hispanics worry more than most Americans about losing jobs and paying bills. But they place a high importance on education and expect their children to go to college — even if most of them don’t expect the United States to elect a Latino president in the next 20 years.
An Associated Press-Univision poll of more than 1,500 Latinos shows them eager to blend into American society while still holding onto their cultural identity. They are likewise torn between hopes for tomorrow and daily doses of financial stress.
They are “eager to blend into American society” — how reassuring.
However, another picture emerges when immigrants are quizzed about self-identification and national loyalty. According to a 2002 Pew poll, only 34% of hispanics (who are American citizens) considered themselves Americans first, while 42% identified with the old country first, and 24% considered themselves as pan-ethnic, as “Latino” or “Hispanic” first.
Back to the article at hand, even the AP had to admit that Hispanic admiration for education does not extend to actual performance.
Despite their esteem for school, 37 percent of Hispanics are not high school graduates, compared with 14 percent of the overall population, Census Bureau data show. Twelve percent of Hispanics but 27 percent overall have college degrees or more.