
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES: State’s New ‘Thought Leader’ On Equity [Sekile Nzinga] Focused On ‘Long Game:’ Moving Illinois From Diversity To Equity

By Steve Sailer


From the Chicago Sun-Times news section:

State’s new ‘thought leader’ on equity focused on ‘long game:’ Moving Illinois from diversity to equity

Nearly three and a half months after joining Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration, Sekile Nzinga will get to put her theory into practice as head of a new office of equity that the governor plans to create Friday through an executive order.

By Rachel Hinton Jul 30, 2021, 5:00am CDT

Diversity is not the end point, but the starting line.

That’s what Sekile Nzinga believes.

Nearly three and a half months after joining Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration, Nzinga will get to put that theory into practice as head of a new office of equity that the governor plans to create Friday through an executive order.

“I think diversity is our basement, it’s our sub-basement,” Nzinga told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Professional equity demanders just can’t stop thinking about your house.

“Yes, every place in our world is diverse, and so why wouldn’t our agencies be diverse? So that’s the basement — that’s the minimum standard.”

The finish line is equity.

Named the chief diversity officer in April, Nzinga said she changed her title to chief equity officer because her goal is “to get to equity, to move us off the sub-basement, but recognizing that the sub-basement is where we start.”

Yup, when they talk about equity they are thinking about getting their hands on your home equity.

All state employees will be required to participate in annual trainings focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Hostile environment harassment.

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