Chronicles "Cost Of Immigration" issue — special offer to readers
The June issue of Chronicles magazine, devoted to "The Cost of Immigration", is just out. The cover features Arnold Schwarzenegger, Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigrosa and Maria Shriver singing "The Star Spangled Banner". (She looks great). My contribution, a review of the current state of the debate on the economic impact of immigration, is already online here. Not online for a while: Tom Fleming’s essay on religion and immigration policy, long a subject of interest to us here at (see here and here), featuring a deconstruction of Leviticus 19:33, the famous "Strangers in the Land"quote that, as Steven Steinlight said recently, has become a substitute for thought in so many quarters.
Chronicles has a special offer:
Readers can purchase individual copies of the June issue by calling Cindy Link at (800) 383-0680. They are available for $7 (includes s/h). Better Deal: First-time subscribers may call Cindy and mention VDare to get 12 issues of Chronicles for only $19.99. (Be sure to mention that you’d like to begin with the June 2009 issue.) That’s $5 off our introductory rate.