By Allan Wall
This Sunday, a referendum is scheduled, allowing citizens to vote yes or no on the installation of a border fence.
This referendum isn’t being held in the U.S., but in Mexico, in the Monterrey suburb of San Nicolas, whose mayor wants to put up a fence on San Nicolas' border with its neighbor Guadalupe (see map). Reportedly, thieves are coming over from Guadalupe to steal things in San Nicolas,and the border is a scene of gang activity.
San Nicolas Mayor Zeferino Salgado has proposed a 5-mile long fence, over 6 and a half feet high, along the river La Talaverna, which forms the border between San Nicolas and Guadalupe.
So this Sunday, February 24th, a referendum is scheduled in San Nicolas. Eligible to vote are the residents of the 10 colonias (neighborhoods) adjoining the border. (Voter ID cards are to be checked to prevent outsiders from voting.)
The young mayor, known as "Chefo", is adamant in the necessity of the fence:
I have to give a solution to whom I owe answers and those are the citizens of San Nicolas, this is a necessary measure that we are going to take.
Go get 'em, Chef?? ! Would that we had more American leaders with your resolve.
As you might imagine, over in Guadalupe they aren’t so supportive. Guadalupe mayor Cristina Diaz thinks the referendum is unnecessary, as she asserts that, while she does respect the decision of the San Nicolas government, both expert opinion and public opinion are against the fence . But isn’t that the very reason San Nicolas is holding the referendum, to see if the border neighborhoods support it?
Aldo Fasci, A Nuevo Leon state official from the Attorney General’s office, came out against it, and brought up the border fence on the U.S.- Mexican border, which he says, "has not stopped the passage of drugs, nor stolen vehicles, nor weapons, nor indocumentados (illegal aliens)." Well no, but it hasn’t really been built yet, has it ?
As of Friday, February 22nd, the referendum was still scheduled, and the Guadalupe mayor was still against the fence.
This should be interesting.