The redoubtable Neil Munro appears to have done it again: Time magazine hides Putin’s success from US voters The Daily Caller 9/16/2013 reports
Time magazine’s cover for its Sept. 16 issue features a picture of contented-looking Russian president Vladimir Putin, complete with a black background and a damning caption that declares “America’s weak and waffling, Russia’s rich and resurgent.”But Time’s editors are shielding Americans from the demoralizing picture, putting a cheerful, sky-blue photo on the covers of magazines distributed in the United States.
Munro suggests the reason:
The foreign covers acknowledge Putin’s triumph over Obama…The protective covers arrive as Time’s managing editor departs for a job working for one of the architects of the Syrian debacle, Secretary of State John Kerry.In “early summer,” editor Rick Stengel was asked by Kerry, and immediately accepted, the job of running the department’s public diplomacy mission, according to Politico …
Throughout the summer, Stengel remained editor of Time while it covered U.S. politics.
Most often, the covers of Time magazine are uniform.
This might be most spectacular specimen of MSM bias since Ron Paul, the only GOP foreign policy dissident, was confined by CBS to 90 seconds in the Republican’s 1 hour purported foreign policy debate in 2011.
The dinosaur MSM is not dying because of the internet (although documenting this story promptly would have been difficult before it).
It is dying because too many readers are sick of the extreme dishonesty and partisanship to which the Legacy Media thinks itself entitled.