Clinton Chauffeur Is Muslim Illegal

By James Fulford


Bill Clinton’s chauffeur, (one of them, he apparently has three) was arrested during a security check at an airport. It seems he’s a Muslim illegal from Pakistan, named Shahzad Qureshi. Shahzad Qureshi, is, believe it or not, a fairly common name in some parts of the world, but if this is the one I found in this archived posting saying on December 25, 2002:

"I need to know of any Driving schools or facilities that offer Driver’s Education Courses in the Nassau County or Suffoll region."

then he didn’t even know how to drive a car until recently.

Clinton chauffeur an illegal immigrant

NEWARK, N.J., March 27 (UPI) — An embarrassing hole in security surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton turned up when one of his chauffeurs was found to be a wanted man.

Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers.

The computer came back showing the Pakistani national had skipped a residency-status hearing in 2000, and a deportation order had been issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the New York Post reported.

Qureshi was still in jail Monday awaiting immigration processing, the report said.

Clinton, of course, is still guarded by the Secret Service, which is supposed to prevent this kind of embarrassment. And if Qureshi actually has a warrant for his arrest, available through NCIC, they should have caught it. Even if they didn’t, they really should have noticed that he was (a) a Muslim, and (b) from Pakistan. The Secret Service nearly had a fit when Clinton visited Pakistan in 2000, since Pakistan is just full of people who want Clinton, or any American president, dead.

Could the Secret Service miss a clue like that? Long-time readers of know the answer is, yes, they could.

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