CNN Is Bombarded with “Lock Her Up” Chants in Las Vegas Report
The current practice of networks holding their debate coverage outdoors may not continue in the next cycle because unplanned things can happen. On Wednesday, CNN talking heads were inundated by Trump supporters chanting “Lock her up!” — a popular cheer in Republican rallies over the last few months.
The Trump candidacy has uncorked voter dissatisfaction growing over decades of economic globalization for which there was no voice. Now that Donald Trump is expressing the popular rage, voters feel unleashed and vindicated.
Las Vegas Crowd Chants ‘Lock Her Up’ as CNN Tries to Discuss Election, WashingtonFree Beacon, October 19, 2016An on-site CNN panel had difficulty on Wednesday discussing the 2016 electoral map and what both presidential candidates should do in their third debate later that night when a crowd in Las Vegas began relentlessly chanting “lock her up” for at least a minute straight.
“Lock her up! Lock her up!” the crowd roared.
The Washington Post‘s Dan Balz tried to talk over them, but due to a faulty microphone, was initially unsuccessful.
“To be more subdued, to be a different Donald Trump,” Balz said while discussing what he thinks the Republican nominee should do to garner more support.
“To be a president?” CNN’s John King asked.
“Lock her up” has been a popular chant at Donald Trump rallies to reference Hillary Clinton’s email and Benghazi scandals that many Trump supporters argue should land her in jail.
The crowd continued chanting and shouting later in the segment.
The CNN exchange took place hours before the third and final presidential debate at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.
This is not the first time a crowd chanted “lock her up” aimed at Clinton. Back in July, supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said they started chanting “lock her up” during a breakfast at the Democratic National Convention.