
Commissar Dana Nessel, Michigan’s “Attorney General” Tries To Destroy GiveSendGO. She May Succeed

By Patrick Cleburne


The Political Commissar of Michigan, “Attorney General” Dana Nessel, has launched a potentially lethal lawfare attack on GiveSendGO.

GiveSendGO, somewhat to its surprise, has emerged as the crowdfunding alternative to GoFundMe. The latter, one of the oldest and the biggest of the crowdfunding platforms, has the systematic habit of banning any funding effort for any cause which might be deemed conservative or even Christian. Kyle Rittenhouse and the Christian bakery Sweet Cakes By Melissa were prominent victims.

Dana Nessel is not your typical Michigander, being Jewish and lesbian. A zealot, she was very instrumental in legalization of same-sex marriages both in Michigan and America as a whole. Both deeds, significantly, were achieved by judicial fiat, not democratic legislation. Dana Nessel seems to believe in Kritarchy.

Her latest atrocity began as an amazingly savage attack on the private individuals who signed up as electors for Trump’s challenge to the Michigan 2020 result. Their GiveSendGO page reports:

The 16 electors are charged with:

Two counts of Forgery, a 14-year felony,

One count of Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,

One count of Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,

One count of Conspiracy to Commit Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony, and

Two counts of Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony.

This is ludicrous on its face. At the state level, voters choose panels of electors pledged to support their candidate. A challenge to an election needs such a slate. As the GiveSendGO page above says

Alternate electors is the exact same tactic that Democrats attempted in the 2016 election and is the exact same tactic they promoted as a contingency in case they lost in 2020.

The message Nessel is sending here is that anyone supporting a challenge an election “won” by a Democrat risks years in prison. This further tells us that I was right in saying AZ Mail-In-Ballot Scandal Reveals Reality: Democrats Plan To Steal 2024 Election.

Commissar Nessel has more ambitions. IS MICHIGAN OFFICIALLY A POLICE STATE? Dem AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to ‘GiveSendGO’ Demanding Bank Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Fund Of Alternate GOP Electors, by Patty McMurray, Gateway Pundit, October 12, 2013] reports she found a compliant black judge, Ingham County’s Cynthia Ward, to approve a GiveSendGO search warrant.

The warrant required GiveSendGo to hand over information information on contributions, bank routing numbers and communications tied to 10 of the MI GOP alternate electors who used the crowdfunding site to raise funds for their legal defense.

Apart from being an attempt to interdict her victims’ ability to fund their defense, which is not her business, this move is obviously intended to cripple GiveSendGO’s function as a financing conduit for non-PC causes. They have said they will not comply. But if the limitless powers of contempt of court are unleashed by an unscrupulous judge, there is a distinct danger no donor to a conservative cause in any jurisdiction with a Leftist Attorney General is going to be safe from doxing and public vilification.

As I noted in Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent — And GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit, the 2020 Michigan election was an utter shambles, with the Democratic Secretary of State plastering the place with huge numbers of ballot applications and blocking meaningful signature verification.

Commissar Nessel featured prominently in this atrocity. Joseph Fried reported in Debunked?: An auditor reviews the 2020 election―and the lessons learnedthat prior to the election Nessel threatened criminal prosecution to force removal of a video demonstrating voter fraud training in Michigan (p. 143). By similar threats she blocked an independent audit effort in Macomb County (p. 147).

She was reportedly at it again in 2022.

The VDARE experience with litigation is that much of the state and federal bench is resolutely unwilling to find against a leftist Litigant. I think GiveSendGO is in trouble.

Peter Brimelow is right: Trump’s Indictment — Like I Said, This Is A Communist Coup.

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