Congrats to Thom Hartman!
From Thom Hartman’s Website: "Starting Monday, February 19th, Thom replaced Al Franken on the Air America Radio Network. Listen for him live,noon-3 PM ET (9-noon PT), on your local Air America affiliate!"
This is possibly one of the most important media events we have seen related to immigration in recent years. Although Hartman is like myself identified as a progressive, Hartman has spoken quite openly against loosening of immigration policies in the US. Getting Al Franken’s old job has put Hartman into one of the most important positions any progressive has in the major media.
Immigration restriction has been depicted as a conservative issue in recent years. However, the lax stands that every major GOP presidential contender has had on immigration issues means that the immigration issue is really very much up in play. I tend to think that Hartman’s blend of leftish populism and a more sane immigration policy will play well in the ratings — and will mean that we will eventually be seeing more Democratic officials like James Webb and Peter DeFazio that are willing to get more serious on economic issues even if it means restricting immigration.